15 August 2010

PMR Trials taker ;

Exactly two years ago, I had my same fear, same shiver, same non-stop-pounding-heart like all the form threes are having now.
Exactly two years ago, I would be reading up those text book over and over again and reanalyse past year questions thousand times just to make sure I was ready.
Exactly two years ago, I was prepared to face the big day eventhough I was at the top of my nervous level.
Oh well, that's EXACTLY two years ago :O

Yes, I'm making a " :O " face because I knew that 2 years has been past by and I'm a SPM taker for now, not a PMR taker anymore.
No, not anymore.
How I missed those days :]
Thus, I am here, wishing all the form threes lots of

Chill and relax alright? I know it's not easy to calm yourself down but don't stress yourself too much aite? :)
Enjoy life. Smile to the paper no matter what happens -even the BM Paper 1 gives you some kind of unreasonable and ridiculous questions :]
So, you guys better


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