18 August 2010

OUR Face ;)

Warning : This is a hell longgggg post. Don't read if you feel horribly lazy.
Note : This is NOT a show-off post. Mind you, I'm just telling of what is happening lately in my school so better don't misunderstood. If you feel like this is uhhh, whatever post, you can just simply click the [X] sign at the above right of this page. Thank you ;)

Seriously, everyone of us, including ME, don't know why, my school > yes, the very well-known > Convent Kajang, is getting more well-known than well-known.

First off; 

Our FACE [The 5 Intaners] appeared on Berita Harian newspaper last TUESDAY ;]
Berita Harian reporters came to do some report about our school.
Fortunately, 5 Intan was at the Bio lab at that time. 
They did some photoshoot of us, "studying". 
So called.
Mehh mehh
Feeling excited, we were so thrilled for every snaps and flashes that the photographer made, lol.
We wanted to laugh but failed to.

A clearer view of my classmates :D
I can only see my right hand writing there, lol.

Up next;
Yesterday, yes YESTERDAY

Place : Staff room
Situation : There were a few men standing outside of the staffroom, I assumed that they are some kind of usual visitors.

Pn Sakuntala : The people outside there were here to take some pictures of your class.
Me : HARH ?! *shockface*
Pn Sakuntala : [Facing Pn Tan, pointing at me] She was shock, herherher~ *short, quick laughs*

Me ran with Pn Sakuntala's books to my class and YELLED,
CLASS, hari ini ada orang nak tangkap gambar kita dan diletakkan dalam majalah! "

Everyone was like What?! HARH?! Are you joking?! 
Those normal i-don't-know-what-happen-but-why faces appeared.
Kueng kueng. We were greeted by the middle-aged-man, a former High School principal. 
He was explaining  and gave us some brief warm up before the photoshoot start AGAIN. ;D

Sorry, no pictures.
[Heck, I didn't bring my camera. So yeah :( ]

Again, the photographer was shooting like those crazy paparazzi, while WE pretended to be those models, flipping and reading the magazine. Hahah, lol.
Incase you're wondering, our FACE will be appearing in MEP magazine, by end of this month :]
Yes, MEP Magazine.

I've read and flipped through the magazine. It was kinda good. I like the glossary part, where that actually helps the weak students to brush up their vocabularies. There are many up-to-date news, articles and factual stories which can update many people who don't really watch night news like ME :] Overall, it's a good piece of reading material but it just cost slightly higher than other educational magazines. I wish it can cost lower. And to me, the cover isn't thaaat impressive to attract young teens' attention to buy this. 
Anyhoo, we all enjoy doing the photoshoot. We're getting famous, duh. 
Lol -PER-AH-SAN ;]

Then - TODAY,
our school was being visited by some LOCAL celebriities,  

Black, AG [Hot FM DJ] and Akim :)

I've no idea on why they chose our school and came to perform a few songs. I guess it's pretty much for a show during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Gahahah,
To tell you the truth, those Malay girls were screaming at the top of their lungs when they saw the Malay-quite-famous-singer, named Akim ?  [How I wish his name is AKHIM] I'll be sooooo famous, by then.
Pfffts, not funny right? :D
He's from AF btw. [AF stands for AKADEMI FANTASIA]
Some of us who don't know them was like, "Who the hell are they? " LOL
The crowd went wild from time to time where else we were being warned to be polite, and behave this morning during KOKO assembly.

He is a popular local guitarist, if I'm not mistaken. [According to Shahiela and Thenmoli ]

The show started off with some commands from Mastura? 
And those boys will be the kawad peoples who listen to her order.
They were funny though XD

Make up-make up. 
Wipe sweats-wipe sweats.

Black, performing at the centre of the crowd! :D

His voice was real GOOOD. He can sing high-pitched song darn well eventhough his voice was kinda rough.
Thumbs up, man! :D

Look at those kids. :D

Look at OUR teachers :D

Look at our school's clerks :D
They got the time to make their peace in front of the camera somemore XD

Lemme tell you an amusing short story. There's this little very not quite innocent girl, [not our teen-age of course! ] this primary school kid,  who didn't actually know what had happened, got the guts and she just simply stood behind these celebrities.

To her, they are humans, so what?

Yes, that girl all of a sudden raised up her hand and pointed at the DJ AG [the one in soft grey blouse] 's back.

Me, Ruiy and Moli were laughing like some kind of moron, looking at the kid who took her very least bravery to point at him!
Then tha DJ realised that we were laughing at the girl, he turned and replied that small girl by pointing at her as well, BUT with styles.
Without a second, 
that girl
away, lmao.
After some minutes, [I guess that girl loves challenges] she came back and pointed at him again!
When he turned to point back, she ran away again!

We were seriously amused by that and can't stop laughing, lol.
That girl really got the nerves huh.

Well, never underestimate the small kids today.. *shakes head*

I got the chance to touch and shake their hands! Heehee.
Eventhough they are not those VERY famous celebrities, 
but they are the local celebrities who sing for our country :D
They also "salam" our school teachers :D
Guess what, Pn Hanita's daughter, and Pn Fauziah's son got the chance to take pictures with 'em! :)
Some crazy fans can't get off them, some were chasing after those singers.
Unfortunately, they had to leave.
Due to the cases, where the Convent girls lost control of themselves,
I guess, this kind of event wouldn't be held in upcoming years right?

Hahah, we're just so so so lucky this year ;)

A mixture of Convent girls from Form 1-5 :)
They're pretty much exciting, I see :D

Very well entertained, indeed.
[Can you spot me clapping like hell crazy? :D ]

Well we're proud for them to be here ;D
Thank you for coming to sing some Idon'tknowwhatsongs but they are cool anyway :D

In conclusion, Convent is going to popular in a week! 
So, what's next? 
Chehhh, gelabahhh je.

Very-super-the-long-post, kan?
Told you not to read right ?!
If you read, thanks yawwww.
These are beautiful memories :]
Basically, this is just a simple update from me :D

P/S : Pictures credits to Fathiah and Sam ! :D
PP/S : Intan says, we're fairrrr-BOO-less ;D
PPP/S : LAST BUT NOT LEAST, if you WISH to see Convent girls [mostly F4s and F5s] on tv, cheering, like maniacs, please tune in to Ntv 7, TV 9 or Astro RIA on the third day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri which is on SUNDAY, to watch the show > 8 Jahanam

PPPP/S : Okay, this is seriously the last one. I wanna see how retarded I look on TV, lol XD

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