15 July 2010



Ohh American Honehhhh, ehhhh. :)
15.7.2010 > Hari ini dalam Sejarah. Quote Mr Kiru! xD
Wanna know why? Lemme tell you. 
Hemhem *coughscoughscoughs*

The PLKN list for 2011 came out today, lol.
You NERVOUS? Cheh I mean, the Form Fives. DO YOU?!
Hah, I bet you did. :) Everybody knows the announcement will be on today. I guess many of you cannot sleep tight last night. Right right right? XDD
Anyway, I slept comfortably without worries. It's like, I still have my undone homeworks, why should I worry for this?
LOL > So not meeeeeee.

Once upon a time, [the last time me]
I super hate PLKN. I super dislike NS or whatsoever it calls. Reasons?
Simple. First of all, it's like theefreakinglongmonths. THREEMONTHS, for goodness's sake. Like who can stand for so long? Chehh, i was being too melodramatic last time. Then, as what I've heard from rumours, we needa like kawad everyday? Ohmeegod. NO NO NO! 
Then my reasons went on and on.

Now, [the new me]
Everyone : MAN! I don't hope to go for that stupid NS.
My thought : Well. It will be fun & awesome, I think *inserts smiley here *

Since when I change my mind? Oh well. A good question, indeed.
It all started from last year. The Science quiz competition at SMK Jalan 4. My mind totally turned upside down after that competition. It's like, I absolutely love the fun feeling inside me when I got to meet new people :) Especially those who shares the same age as me :) Geees. What's more after the state camp last November. That camp create a more sporting me compare to last time.:) Awwww. I miss my sporting camp friends :)

So whenever people ask me, 
" Will you go If you were chosen to go for NS? " 
I answered,
"Yeah, why not ? :) " It'll be hell fun meeting new friends, learn something new and most important is to discipline-kan myself. Pfffts :S

To you who don't know, today's Malaysia's facebook trending topic is : PLKN :)
Hahaha, everybody was like expressing their depression and delightful-ness via their respective status. I enjoy looking at their own respective cheers and cries, lol. 

Somehow, they keep on questionning me, whether I got chosen. 
I said " I haven't check yet"
 Like gosh, how can we check since the website OWNSELF is jammed while there is NO reply from the sms centre? Hmmmph.

I've decided. What?
DECIDED to check tomorrow :3
I don't need to be so rush to know anyway, School's going to print it out and paste it on the public board. So why should I worry yet again? :)
I did not wish for anything. If my name's in the list, I would go :) If my name's not, I will be slightly upset but I will move on with my life.

So cheerios!

sorry and ignore my so boring blahs-blahs-blahs. * i wrote this with a half closing eyes and non-stop yawning condition*

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