11 July 2010

Moral Day ;

Hereby I declare that today is a Moral satur Day! Teeheee~
Chehhh. Suka hati jer ;P
As what I've mentioned in previous posts and tweeted before, I told y'all that there's a Moral programme right? That bloody long hours that Idk what will we do for such longlong hours right?
Could you recall?

It falls on today actually. Just went back from my so-great-school 7 hours ago. Ahhh yes, I managed to sturggle and stuck in that school for this programme for 10 hours. *high ten*
The programme was afterall not bad
I thought we could waste time for long-hours for talks like some kind of non-stop speech. 
But I was wrong. It's like a half day camp with simple activities which bring joy ;)
We registered our names before the talk by Pn Kala start :) She's super cool, super funny. Biasalah, ibu siapa? Sharmilla wo. Chehhh. She told us that the best gift a student can give to a teacher is "high blood pressure". HAHAHA! Soooo true.

I quoted some of her words, 
"We are taught to be complainers eventhough we have a good life" :)
We had a good laugh, seriously.
Both mum and daughter are amazing.
We gained a lot of tips in answering questions. Quite helpful and I loveee it !
For those who were absent, you girls missed the hilarious jokes told by Pn Kala and the tips that you supposed to get!
You want me to tell you? Uh-uh *shakes head* :P

Then, morning tea! I pitied the teachers who ordered so much food for us. Yes, she assumed us , as in 97 of us [Moral students] to attend this programme. Out of expectation, only 49 came.
I can see that she's very dissapointing. Very. 
I felt bad and sorry at the same time. Like, Pn K and other teachers were putting a lot of hard work in organising this programme. Yet, students like us didn't appreciate it by absent ourselves.
I truly feel that this isn't a proper way to reply to a teacher's hard work.
Anyway, teachers were glad that we at least came and showed a lot of support on this programme ;]

After that, teacher divided us into supposingly TEN groups, but because of the very little amount of students, she had to divide us into 5 groups prefectly and equally well. I was in group 5 :)
Guess what? It's Sharmilla's group. Ho yeh! I was happy though, to be in her group ;]
We were given a task; listed out those habits and behaviour that we should and shouldn't apply in our daily life. And so we did. 3 pages of mahjong paper. Ngeheh. Yes, please make a " :O " face now. 
We're awesome! Hahahh, *perasan* 

Pn K loved our presentation, she even quoted some of her favourite words in our mahjong paper, like "punctuality" and errr I forgot another word. Geees~
Overall all groups were good. Later on, we need to perform a sketch based on 5 daily-common-social-issue nowadays, which include ; robbing [mencuri] , lie [membohong] , loaf [melepak] , free sex [pergaulan bebas] and copy [meniru].

By voting, we got the "Meniru". Sugar was aiming for the 4th one, lol.
During rehearsal, it all turned out pretty cool. I was ordered to be a good sutdent at first, but I rejected it because there's no fun always being a good student.
So I told myself, why not trying a role of "bad" student? :D So I did. I was one of the "peniru" or so called copy cat kid :P , with Sharmilla, Shalini, and Kasthuri. Along the rehearsal, we laughed. We acted , and we created a lot of humorous dialouges in it :D 

To be honest, Sharmilla is a good director, actress, and performer :) She told us what we should do and should not. She's a very organized person, especially when coming into this kind of sketch. I was lucky to be her group member, lol :) During the real-live-perfomance, I didn't really shiver when standing in front of the stage, I managed my tense and afraid-ness by keep practicing inhaling and exhaling. :) To my suprise, I wasn't nervous when I acted my role out. You know, as a bad student. Heeeheee. Bad student is very easy to act, for your info. Less dialouge, more action, more hilarious :D
For the very first time in my life, I made people laugh [like it's really funny] at my acting. Like, seriously! I'm proud. :)

So, the all the sketches performed by us went very well. Even Pn S praised us. She praised our creativity, I mean :) After lunch, we [Me, Fong, Moli ] performed the hand breakdance. Alvina and Sze Ruiy joined us too :D Then, the telematch began. That was the most tiring activity. Haihhh,
Run here, run there. The most terrible activity in that telematch was the "blowing the ping pong out of a bowl of flour". To me, it was. Like I super hate it okay. HAHAH. Because i know I am super weak when blowing these kind of light things out eventhough it is actually very EASY. Pfffts. :/

I guess I have no "jodoh" with that flour kot. Lmao! I ended up looking like a white hair OLD witch, with specs after that activity. Some told me that I looked cute when I took of my glasses. Well thank you very much. :3 Dear Tepung Gandum, you rock my socks! :3

The last activity was singing session. Guess what? No LADY GAGA's or USHER 's or any coolio songs, but the forever and always > patriotic songs. Hahah, Nonetheless, we love it though ;D
We sang loudly like there's a thousand people in the school hall. We clapped and waved and swayed and cheered. There's only one word that can describe us. That word is sporting :)
Congratulation! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I like us when we're horribly sporting and semangat, lol. The feelings are just nice ;)
For the prize giving ceremony, my group got the 2nd for the overall ! Yayhoo. Congrats to Fong-Moli's group 2 who was the overall championnnn ;DDDDD
Of course! We had our photography session with friends and teachers ;D

All the moral teachers singing. WOHOO!

Group 5! Oh yeh, uh-uh ;D

Intaners. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy :D


PS : Photos credits to Fong Yi Lin
As a summary, this is an okay programme. It will be hell lots better if it's a camp of 3 days 2 nights ;)

Last but not least, thank you for reading!  [♥]

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