01 August 2010

Life is AWESOME ;

    right ..

Ir's time to ..
           to have..

-sleepless nights
-countless nightmares
-endless days facing books
-infinity round dark circles under your eyes.


-tensionful fun chewing lotsa facts into your brain.

   49 days to SPM Trials.
Do i need to say more?
That big fat four and nine really give me some awful goosebumps. Feel like adding another zero behind that nine anyway.

Whatever it is, let's face the reality, people. 
If you have studied and prepare with your weapons and are ready to fight, that's pretty   VERY GOOD! I'll give you my TEN THUMBS UP. [Wait, where the hell do I get my ten thumbs? ;D]

If you haven't really study like ME. Yes, I'm saying this to especially, ME [!] , please wake up and there's-there's-there's  *hesitates* .. another FORTY NINE DAYS TO TRIALS. Oh boy!
Empat Puluh Sembilan tahu [!] *cries*
Right here, right now, I'm very scared. Verywanttodie D:
Oh well, I started abit yesterday.  A very bad start, I know.

Imagine.. Sejarah-Biology-Chemistry-Physics. These subjects are equilvalent to FOUR dictionaries, fulled with fantastic factual and realistic stories. 
Whattayaaa ;3
They are pretty fun actually if you read them continuosly since January.
In addition to those, AddMaths is a silent killer. Once you don't master them, they'll shoot you with marvelous tough-brain-thinking-questions that will initially let you die FLAT.

Accounts is kinda easy if you do lotsa lotsa lotsa exercise for it. If you don't, the formats and pelarasan are  enough strong to make your head to spin like merry goes round. 

I did my schedule two days ago. APPARENTLY, I couldn't finish studying all of them in 49 days. Serve me right, why didn't I start earlier? In fact, I don't have any time to start up any exercise. What's more revising them over and over again. Heck, NO TIME i tell you.
This is what we called efficient last-minute-studies.
To not complain anymore, I need to study smart. And try my best. 
I wanna ace! I wanna ace! I wanna ace! 
I wanna get a B or A- or A or A+ for my trials.
Gahhhhh *screams* I.. I.. don't know what to say, but shut up and work like seriously hard. At the very same time, I wanna enjoy my last year of high school life. So I have to like balance both of them and aceeeeeee! :D I can do it kan? ;)

Long craps cut short = Work hard is essential to get an A for your exam. Nothing else.

My procastination meter has reached the peak point. My, that's hell creepy.
If that's so, let's studyyyyyyyyyyy ;D
Yeh, you hear me right. I just said > S.T.U.D.Y :D
I won't be onlining again after this. < I think you have heard me saying this thousands of times right? 
I'm sorry if this cause you any annoyance. I won't be updating my blog thaaaat often. And I guess I cannot tweet thaaaat often as well. Cos' there's a GPRS problem on my phone. *grumpyface*
So I'll be very blur and unconscious on what's happening around, in the world,facebook, twitter, tumblr and blahs.
I'm known as the word > outdate anyway. 

Hence, let's mountain up your text books ,revision books, exercise books and whatever books that are necessary. They are not for the purpose of showing off how hardworking you are okay.
Make yourself hardworking, people.
You don't take an escalator to success.
Instead, you have to take the staircase and experience every ups and down in every steps to reach the top of the world. The word, "success" wouldn't appear if you take any extra short-cuts.
Enough of the holy craps,
Have a beautiful crispy weekend, peeps.

Study ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :P

P/S : Today's the 1st of August ! ZOMGface.
PP/S : Enjoy your life, howdies :DDD
PPP/S : TOODLES! (^^,)

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