23 July 2010

Aku Engak Tahu ;

I want..
Nobody nobody

I want nobodehh, I want nobodehhh

Chill yo. I don't want you *BOOFACE*
This week has been too F-R-E-E as in school homeworks :D This week's homeworks are suprisingly lesser than previous week.
Ahhhh yes. The feelings are just so good :) Homework free -- TENSION FREEEEEEEEEEEE ;D
Ouh yeah.
I feel hungry now, wth. Gahahahha. Ignore my lame side.
This weekend is going to be cool ! The hateable-hell-boring Saturday is finally going to be filled with something good for mehhh ;)
I'll be attending Sandhya's birthday party at tomorrow evening anyway.

Fine and last but not least,

Short post? Yes.

P/S :  Damn, I don't know what to blog. !@#$%

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