29 August 2010

1 bowl of ABC ;

This is a simple yet nice article, which I found in our local Star Newspaper. It's kinda lovely, so I thought of sharing it here :)

"Malaysians love ABC.
(That's Air Batu Campur, or formerly known as Ais Kacang, in case you're not Malaysian, or you've been away from home for too long)

If you like nuts, it's got nuts. Oh boy, does it have nuts.

If you've got a sweet tooth, well it's simple the tops ~ it has a topping of syrup, topped with drizzles of evaporated milk, and a scoop of ice cream right on top.

And on hot Malaysian afternoons, there's nothing better than a big mound of shaved ice in a bowl.

The other bits, too make it great. Jelly in every colour, broad beans and nutmeg, palm nuts and creamy corn kernels ... Mmmm.
All tasty by themselves, but it's only when they get together that a bowl of ABC becomes truly special.

That's what we like best about ABC - it reminds us of something else that's special. Something where different colours, tastes and textures are all mixed in to create something wonderful.
Where each part is different and good by itself, but is only at its best when put together.
Where we may disagree on some things - such as what kind of nuts we like best - but agree on so much more

Like how much we all love ABC :)

As we approach our 53rd year as 1 country, 1 people, our greatest strength is in each other. May the unity we share continue to be the spirit of what makes Malaysia truly special."

-Maybank (19 Aug, The Star N5)

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