08 June 2010

Two in one :D

NOTE : Below are some pictures. Please ignore the woman on the left. 

*coughs coughs*

Oh damn. *hides my stupidface*
Heylow! :D
Today is a pretty pretty special day :D
Guess what?
It's her birthday! *point point point*
Oooops, lemme clear things out.
Today is 
pretty pretty birthday :DDD
Yes. I am mentioning the girl who is on the right in every picture.
Kindly ignore the left one.

Happy sweet-fantabulous SEVENTEEN, deary :DD
I hope you did have fun in our outing today at Time Square!
Like seriously, i had funplusjoy spending time with 
you, <3
Yilin, <3
Mayteng <3
Wanying <3 

Thank you so much!
And i hope you likelikelike the handmade card and certificate that i made just yesterday :)
God bless and all 10 A PLUS in SPM aite :D
ILOVEYOU! *hugs*


NOTE : Please refer to the first note and do the same thing. Ignore the left one :P

Now, please have a look at this pink-kebaya lady.

Look pretty pretty sweet and cute, doesn't she ? :)
Today's is her birthday TOO! :D
She's not my age, but one year younger than me :D
well, let's wish her a very
very very very
Have your most sweet sixteen of your life, girl ! :D
Thanks for everything and I love you too as my junior/friend :)
Enjoy your form four life!

I'll remember you as one of my close goody friend who used to talk alot with me :)


I sincerely hope both of you have fun in your joyful bubbly birthday :D
Godblessyou! :)

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