19 October 2013


I've survived another week of university life again! Hehe.. this week was rather boring.fun.boring.
Boring because my lectures are mainly Professionalism & Interpersonal Skills as well as Nursing Frameworks. I know these two subjects are equally important as Human Biology but imagine having 5 hours of lectures of THOSE in a day.. it's like having History/Moral Education for 5-6 hours in a day. What's worse was the long break in between, causing us to end our class at 6.15pm almost every day.. :/ Yeah, my timetable this week was pretty shitty hahaha but oh well! Glad that it's over, hopefully timetable next week will be a better one :)

On Wednesday, I had a gathering/dinner with my Bee-bosses at WB Kitchen, Sri Petaling.
On a day beforehand, we had this 'secret' birthday plan among us (except the October babies). In the end, the surprise plan turned out to be pretty much successful! 

Once the plan was done, Gajen, me and a few of our groupmates are planning another 'surpise-secret' plan for our seniors. *evil evil smirks
It was basically daring them to sing and sort of 'dance' at the restaurant in one line and then we'll reward them with 'desserts'. Hahaha, nothing can beat their sportingness, it was awesome! Especially when En Shen (BOSS) perform his Punjabi-twinkle-twinkle little star XD 

So as promised, we presented them the 'desserts' -salad actually (because there's no desserts in the menu lol) and hope they liked it?

Before BOSS left, he delivered an emotional speech to all of us - I mean, REALLY REALLY emotional :')

And THEN the teasing- (sort of like truth or dare) - and PHOTO TAKING session began.

Photo credits : Li Er.
And I quote him "We are all photo addicts - narcissists" xD
I lololove my bee-bosses! They're like my ohana - family -nobody gets left behind <3 :D

On another note, there was this recruitment drive at atrium, recruitment drive simply means, the clubs and societies of the uni are you know 'hiring' new members to join them!
Guess what I joined? :DD
Hahaha, due to the over-excited-genes in me, I've signed up myself in Frisbee team, Photography team, Community Service club and last but not least Music club, LOL. (Banyak kan?)
Anyhoo, I'm not sure whether I can 100% give my commitment due to the hectic schedule, but I'll certainly try my best :]

Back to the boring part again, this week we all were assigned with a lot of group discussions and slide presentations.. -.- And the short lecture notes makes me feel frustrated sometimes, that we need to do extra reading in the library or somewhere. As I said classes ended pretty much at 6 everyday, I can't really stay back at library to do the 'extra' reading :/ Unless I stay at Vista (condo opposite uni).. Nyeh. I'm a step behind now, it's time to really catch up!
And ahhhh, it's time to do my assignment now.. stay tuned for my next blogpost as I'm gonna tell you a 10-minute experience with a few strangers, in the train. :]

Right now, I have to go sooooo, toodles! 

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