28 August 2011

End of the month ;

Say what?
It's the end of August already boo. As expected, August passed by #LIKEABOSS.
Second test was over. Holidays are here. Malaysian Studies FINAL examination is coming soon after the holidays like what the crap right.
Holidays macam tak holidays je.


Raya is in another few days. So is our National Independence Day!
:O I never,.. like NEVER expect that September is arriving -.-
I'm a college students for almost FOUR months alreadyyyy! :') I've been staying at hostel for THHREEEEEE months :'D


Just to summarize August up ;

* I screwed all my Science papers especially Physics. I'm praying extra hard that my Physic lecturer will not be dissapointed while shaking his head when it comes to the paper with my name written on it.

* Lost my essay-writing skills. This one-week holiday is the time I'm gonna brush up a little ;)

* The more I look at my blog, the more I feel the dusty-ness and also the NEED to redecorate, re-renovate, and re-blog.

* Lazying around plus too much relaxation suck shit! Never try this in your studies I tell you. NEVERRR!

* Been to Kajang's Bazaar and Wangsa Maju's Bazaar RAMADHAN for manymanymanymany times! I simply can tell you which stalls sell the best food and JYEAH the satisfaction IZ UNDESCRIBABLE! (Y) [Blogpost regarding on that - coming soon :) ]

* Oh, did I tell you that I got stucked at the KL Sentral station due to the loss of power so the train couldn't like freaking move and everybodehh was so pissed that time when the lady made an announcement, telling us to use other alternative transport instead? Like whattttttt theeeee sheeeet?!

* I got PLKN. Third batch. You know where.

* Dato LCW did not win the Badminton World Championship but nevermind, Dato. You did your best and we are stll proud of you! :) ALWAYS IS :)

* No more Malaysian Studies after the holidays. I am relieved, of course but at the very same time, I'll definitely miss Mr Long! :)

* Karaoke-stress-releasing session was indeed a BLASSSSSTT (Blogpost coming soon)

There you go. My August was spent with things like that.
Now HOLIDAYSSSSSS. Plans plans plans!

  1. Raya Open House
  2. Cousins meet up
  3. Few outings (To shop for winter clothes with dearly "future" sister in law)
  4. Homeworks (Self notes were uncomplete, Physic tutorial sheets are piling up. how can I afford to delay them somemore?!?)
  5. Study Malaysian Studies (Hell yeah. No matter what, I must study this. If NOT, I'll need to resit for the whole sememster if I fail. Oh no, people. It will be the WORST nightmare in my life)
  6. Book fair at KLCC. Need to search Still Alice by Lisa Genova for GP Book Review presentation. (meanwhile can shop for stationaries and other NICEEE books :P )
Additional self-want-to-do-activities
  1. Read two novels. Blehhh
  2. Photography shots. I don't care, I wanna improve my skills.
  3. Shop shop shop. Pick and choose fashionable clothes. Not those vintage kind but those down to earth and wearable to college that kind. Heh :P
  4. Refer to number 3. I want to buy accessories :( I WANT I WANT I WANNNNNT.
  5. Movies. OH PLEASE I WANT TO WATCH RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES, GLEE the movieeee, Smurfsssss, Captain Americaaaaa, The Zookeeper, ETC ETC.
  6. Re-beautify blog
Now you tell me.
How is 1 week enough for me to spend?

Tsk tsk *pat self

Anyway, have you guys heard of google gravity before?


If you have not, click this link and enjoy! :D http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/
And so happen that my AWESOMEEE BUDDEH, screenshot this

At first, I was like.. looking JB and Adam L's face which some of them are upside down, falling down the gravity! xD xD xD
But when buddeh tweeted me saying that I was inside the picture also, I'm like (0___0) (stunned for a while) and spotted a face look similarly like mine.

Okaylah. It wasn't a joke. IT WAS ME like LMAO.
LPK l Facebook, PK on twitter like whaaaaaaat lah yimay.
You stalk me via google ehh?

But yerrr. You serious with that profile photo appeared at google exactly like that? o.O
Oh goddd (")(") *hides

She said, she's proud to be my (OPEN) public stalker, neway. HEHEHE.
I don't mind you stalking me, BUDDEH. I'll do the same BACK to you! :P :P

It's four ehh amm nao.

Wait for my next blogpost with college related photos, will ya'? :)

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