31 December 2013

In a nutshell

Twenty thirteen in a nutshell ;
Okay, now what?

First off, I'd say that it's a year flooded with uncountable meetups and outings with mostly friends (ranging from high school, college, work and uni), families and old school teachers. I had my longest holiday (EVER) - from January until September after my pre-U (A-level).

Of course, I did NOT rot from the beginning until the very end. Haha, January was basically filled with a few travelling activities - to Putrajaya and to Malacca.

February, was the month I celebrated my BIG-TWO-ZERO-birthday, very luckily (as people said) on the first day of Chinese New Year. :B "Hoah how nice is that! You'll get more angpows or probably DOUBLE the amount during your birthday!" said by friends with that full of jealousy tone.
But to their dissapointment, the amount of angpows were still the same, nothing more or less.
It was a quiet and blessed celebration, with family and close neighbours. It was something I wanted and I was very contented. :)
At the end of the month, I got another working opportunity with the same company I worked with, at the same venue, at the same time. Hahaha (if you'e guessing), yes you're right. It's the Aftermath End Sale of BBW! :)) If you wanna know how my working life is like, you can click here (link)

During May-June, I attended two weeks of IELTS class at British Council, to take the IELTS test after that (obviously). Travelled by train and by foot every weekday to Jalan Ampang and make a few non-local friends along the way. Somehow or rather, it felt like going back to school again. (Oh how I miss attending classes!)

As time ticks by, the waiting period for the universities' reply (whether or not I'm accepted) is totally undeniably torturing. Too many freak-out moments at one time, which was kind of bad really. The choice of courses were pretty uncertain, the applications were pretty confusing and it went round and round, from local to overseas and overseas back to local again. In the end, I did not get a good news from NUS, or HKUST but FORTUNATELY, a good welcoming e-mail from Auckland Uni, Otago Uni and UNISA respectively.
So much of dilemmas, conflicts and waiting. AT LONG LAST, the final decision has been made.
A quick application was done online and I finally got ACCEPTED within 12 days of registration.
And there.

This is where I am now.

My waiting period wasn't exactly wasted by just waiting alone. I spent most of my time reading books that I have bought from last year's BBW sales. I've reached my target (tick away one NY resolution), which is 10 books in a year. /self hooray/
Apart from reading, I've watched uncountable movies and dramas (I've missed in 2012) online. The feeling of satisfaction came back like never before <33

As usual, a year wouldn't complete without a shitty month. Mine fell on June. June was the month when I had a combination of the most stressful, dilemma, head-heart-brain-ache ever in my life. I was very lucky that I went through all the difficulties with strong-enough mind, patience and a bunch of supportive friends.
And I'm so glad it's over now!

July approached with better days, August was the month when I was fully confirmed that I'm gonna settle in Malaysia for the rest of my four-future-donkey-years. And the rest of the weeks before the enrolment day was filled with more reading, outings (road trip!), sleepover party, travelling, and side-A-level-revision.

From end of September onwards, I'm back to school again. My life has slowly transformed since then.
New friends, great orientation, got engaged with activities, clubs and societies, studies, 'dramas' and basically just the typical hectic life of a university student.

In a blink, when December has reached to its last day, here comes a realization where time passes really really fast and people start to reflect what they did, what they should have done and what not.

To me, shit things happened and on the contrary, great things happened too. During my depression times, I always believe that good things will come after this. Great things will follow by after this. And it did.
'Believe' is a remarkable word. Do not belittle that yaww. :)

Claire Morgan: As you all can see the ball has stopped half way to its porch. It's suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or close ourself down for fear of getting hurt. Cause that's what New Year's is all about, getting another chance. The chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. So when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight, but all year long.

I have learnt that,

  • Friends come and go. Some of them enter your life and stay for a while, leave you with either blessings or lessons. To those who have left, let them, thank them. To those who stay, who have been there, thank them, treasure them. :)
Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.

  • Sometimes, when horrible things happen always forgive yourself for the mistakes done. Let go of what was, appreciate of what is, and always be positive of what will be.
  • When you are unhappy with your life, distract yourself/make yourself busy with things that you love. When the sadness isn't completely erased, choose 'sleep'/watch a movie/call a friend/do things that will keep you from thinking the upset moments - to pass the time. And eventually, time will heal you.

  • When 'dramas' happen, do not be part of the drama. Rather, sit back, relax and enjoy.
And more lessons, which I have mentioned it here (link)


So how far have I progressed in photography?
Idk, I'll show you some shots and you tell me.

Still exploring, still improving. :)

[last lines]
Sam: [voice over] Sometimes it feels like there are so many things we can't control, earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it's important to remember the things we can, like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that turns the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place, is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope, hope for the New Year. That's New Year's Eve to me. Hope, and a great party.
-New Year's Eve (movie)

So to sum everything up, 2013 has been good and bad.
Thank you for all the good ones, and thank you for the bad ones. Both of these have shaped me into a better person than before, who is all ready to welcome and receive whatever challenges that are ahead in 2014.

Thank you to whoever who has came into my life, who chose to leave or to stay, those who printed a mark on my life, be it good or bad, THANK YOU.
To those who have left a negative impression/impact on me, do not worry that I'll put you into my hate-list, as I don't and won't do that. Because it's useless and pointless.
So all you guys deserve anything non-violence but forgiveness. :)

In the meantime, I'd like to say sorry to whoever whom I've offended/hurted before by actions or words. I'm not gonna beg for forgiveness, I just want to sincerely apologise for my wrong and silly mistakes.

I guess I'm done with thanking and apologising, haha

SO BRING IT ON, babeh. Anything that is coming after this, JUST BRING IT ON!
Let's us cheers to a brand new year, everyone! WOOOHOOOO *celebrates*


Comments? Questions? Thoughts? They are always welcomed here :)
