classes will be going on as usual tomorrow.
Which also means,
semester three officially starts
What a day of so you call freedom but actually it's not.
Stressful life is about to begin.
Sobs sobs away.

The very last day I'll be waking up at 9am, walking to class at 10.45am.
Had a relaxing week, of course with some exam-pressure in between.
How I treasured my life before this.
I had only three classes to attend today, which was an hour lecture, an hour break, an hour lecture, an hour break and a tutorial class before going back home.
Classes like these are boring. I personally would prefer 3 hours of classes being carried on straight without any break, so we can go back early. Isn't it better that way? (nods nods)
We requested to change the timetable as having the last class, (bio tutorial) at 3pm on a Friday is definitely not pleasing, at all. The thing is, we can't. No venue is available, unfortunately. Unless we don't mind having classes in a park? study room?
What a sick joke.
First class was Chemistry. Well you know, that lecturer of mine love telling stories, (at the same time) inserting many many thoughtful advices with stressful vocabularies.
Things like
"You don't have any more time left" is enough powerful to drive someone mad after a what you call part of a major exam. Yeah, you get what I mean, so Imma not proceed.
He's a good lecturer btw. :)
Ms. G, even informed us to start revising for A2 syllabus, because apparently, we - the SN12 ABCD is far behind from the EGH class because we're only at Chapter N in which we have another 7 more (some short and some loooooong) chapters to go to end the syllabus. Just for your info, A2 trials is going to be on August, a week after the Raya holidays and at present, it's the mid of June. Seven horrifying chapters to be squeezed into our brain in 1 and a half month. Say what now?
I'm afraid.
Time is passing so fast to the point that I am afraid to miss any moment with my friends, to do things I love, and to enjoy my college life to the maximum.
What's more when you work so hard to achieve a better grade, all you get at the end is just.. a piece of dissapointment.
I do wonder,
"Are all hardworks paid off EVERYTIME?"
Still remember how I procrastinated last year, struggling to understand "Shape of Molecules" and so so on.
Semester one was indeed a honey moon!
Now, I'm at a position where my senior, Sherene stood last year.
A student who has just finished her AS examination, and is currently rushing to study for A2 syllabus.

:B :B
Scary huh? My life is full of non-stop-exams and from the beginning until the end, it is still EXAM that I'm ranting about. Poor students who only talk about books, studies and back to.. examinations. That's a typical student's life, I suppose.
Meanwhile, hearing a saying like
If you're born to be a slow person, then you are slow. -Mr S.
is definitely painful.
Knowing myself so well, I am mentally
Brain oh brain, you musn't work hard but think smart now. Time is evil, time is running fast, time is your enemy. Be strong to fight yea?
It's time to tear up the motivation notes on my wall. They need to be replaced with the new ones.
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