18 March 2011

How To Smile ;

Don't doubt, don't question.
You're on the right spot, right place and right time.
are reading a post with the title : HOW TO SMILE... GREATLY and NATURALLY :]
No smirk, no grins, no giggles,
just smile :)

First and foremost,
  • Always be comfortable with your smiles
    A smile always looks good. Feeling nervous about the beauty or appearance of your smile is unnecessary. Trust that your smile makes you look great. Don't care what others think. You choose your smile. Be confident and show them who's smile is better! ;D
  • Stop being a people pleaser.
    If you are constantly smile in order to be polite and agreeable, you're tightly controlling your countenance and not giving your Duchenne smile much of a chance to shine through. Plus, if you're focused on everyone else's happiness, you're neglecting your own. A real smile arises from your own personal joy, not someone else's. Always remember that! :D

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
    Maybe use mouthwash in the morning and floss at night but brush your teeth both times. Afterall, sparkling white teeth does make you feel extremely good, no? :)
    Oh no no no, yellowish-acceptable-colour teeth like me *coughs* makes you feel awesome too! Hehe :P
By Ryan Brenizer

Smiles are contagious.
When someone smiles at you, you can't help, but smile back!
So true, isn't it? :)

  • Practice your smile.
    Practicing your smile definitely brings no danger. By doing so, it'll not only boost your confidence, but also improve your sense of well-being! You'll eventually get to learn and know which of your smiles are your best. Practice in front of a mirror until you get it just right. Keep practicing, and pay attention to how that great smile feels. One day, you'll likely find that you'll look more photogenic in your next set of pictures :)
  • Note the difference between a smile and a grin.
    Grins bare a lot more teeth. Try showing only your upper teeth when you smile. Showing your lower teeth can make it seem you're baring your teeth.When showing your teeth (and if you happened to have gaps between your teeth like ME) , pressing the tongue behind the teeth will make small gaps look less noticeable :)
By neloqua
Smiles improve one's appearance.
There was once Charles Gordy said, "A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks". Now, think about a person who is frowning and a person who is smiling – who tends to be the better looking?

  • Practice in a mirror.
    This sounds silly, everyone knows. But by doing it, you will begin to laugh, which will help you see what your natural smile looks and feels like.
    Say an "eeeee" or maybe "chEEEESE" sound. Your mouth naturally forms a smile while making these sound.
    Generally for a photo, smile 20 percent more than you think you should. Smile too wide literally indicates you as laugh. Not smile :)

Smiles make things right again. Smiles make you feel good. Even if you're feeling a little blue, insert happy thoughts into your mind and just add that smile. The smile will trick your mind into feeling better, as endorphins are released to reduce physical or emotional stress. Smiles make other people feel good. An open-mouthed smile is visible from further away than a frown, offering people reassurance that you're friendly and make you appear more approachable.. -wikihow.com
A smile is universally understood language. A smile can say thank you. A smile can say I'm sorry. A smile can say you're happy. A smile can say that you're in a good mood and you're not about to bite someone's head off. It's an extremely valuable tool. No matter where you go, or whatever the language people of that place speak, everyone in all countries and cultures understands and responds to a smile.
Smiling is a good long-term predictor of happier life outcomes. Eventually, smiles attract health, happiness, friends, success, and a longer life :) - wikihow.com

  • Try a light smile
    Don't show as many teeth as you would when you're laughing. It's the best smile for flirting - light and seductive.

    • Don't compare yourself to the celebrities you see on TV, in pictures, etc..
      Everybody has a smile waiting to burst out from inside them somewhere!
    • Smile with your eyes
      A wholehearted smile will naturally draw in the eyes. Very often you heard people, (like Tyra Bank) say, " Her eyes were smiling". Ohh yeah. It is very common to hear that actually ;)
    While it's hard to fake this unless you're really feeling it, you can try this exercise:

    To get a feel for how to make your eyes smile, stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling, but concentrate only on your eyes. You may find it helpful to cover the lower part of your face with a piece of paper. Play around with it a bit, and you'll find that you can make your mouth smile when your eyes aren't smiling, and you can also smile only with your eyes. When your eyes do smile, remember how it feels, which muscles are working and how. With practice, you may discover how to smile with your eyes at will by relying on your feelings and muscle memory.

    Now WHO says smile is a girl's thing?
    Men/Guys who smile looks charming, and just.. nice.
    Macho guys DON'T smile.
    like come on!

    No research has shown that, only smiles with teeth looks perfect.

    • You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile.
      Yes. Both sex. Not everybody has perfect teeth, and that's okay. Beautiful teeth are nice, but a great smile doesn't depend on standard model's teeth. That said, if you feel uncomfortable about your teeth you may be reluctant to smile, and that's no good. Or, you could smile with your mouth closed if preferred :)
    • Think of a moment that you truly cherish, one that makes you happy and gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling.
      Remembering these will spread a radiant, unforced smile across your face and light up your eyes.
      Just look at the picture above. Aishwarya Rai looks so beautiful with the smile, don't cha think? ;)
    • Do not be afraid that people will judge you about your teeth whether you have braces or not.
      Show some teeth and you'll feel much more confident.
      Oh yehh, baby! :D
    • Stop being self conscious of your teeth.
      Many people who are self-conscious about their teeth (like me) sometimes don't smile, or do a closed-lipped smile that looks really forced. If you learn to like your teeth (or at least not think about them), your smile may start to look more natural.

      This is a perfect reminder, people! :)

    Frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you!
    Not just any smile will do, though. With 19 variations on the smile, including 16 produced by enjoyable emotions,
    smiling is an incredibly important part of our lives. 

    Last but not least,

    • Be yourself!
      Don't be someone who has no confidence or too much confidence. Be yourself and you will be loved. Bear in mind that, smile is priceless. Be you! People in the world would like to see YOU(!) not anybody else. :)
    So that's it! :D
    Got the point(s) already huh?
    The original posts are actually from THESE websites :)

    1. http://www.wikihow.com/Smile 
    2. http://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Great-Smile 
    3. http://www.wikihow.com/Smile-With-the-Eyes and  
    4. http://www.wikihow.com/Smile-Naturally
    I just copied and combined the points ALL-IN-ONE here. Hope you enjoyed reading! :DD 

    Learn to .. ..
    S.M.I.L.E (!)


    1. Dropping you a smiley here! :)

      LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS. Worth waiting for <3

    2. Thank you, darling. You always do :)

      And THANKS THANKS THANKS. IDC and I assumed you took the dare :P


    Comments? Questions? Thoughts? They are always welcomed here :)
