07 March 2011

Arigato Gozaimashita ;

This is not an official thank-you-speech, but I'll make it as short as possible :)
Before I proceed, let me tell you further about the history of this online diary of mine.
Don't read if you don't feel like you want to :)
I started to say hello to the world of blogging, inspired by I-forgotten-who when I was 14. Too young, therefore all I knew was nothing.
The first few blogposts were somewhat rubbish, which I actually laughed at myself over the childish style of writing when I viewed back. *grins
As time passed by, I see myself improved, from day one I started to blog until today. 
Oh, FYI, my first blog was at windowslivespace.com. But due to most demands by the space users, all the space blogs HAVE to transfer to wordpress. I was having some kind of mini mental breakdown, you know, that all these were destroying my self-edited-site. (the header, the background, the music player, etc)
All my hardwork went POOF! -gone. 
Yeh, for a few weeks, I was a new wordpress citizen. I was rather happy with wordpress, not only until Dec 26. There was some problem occured which left me depressed for a few days. Thanks to google, i managed to export all the blogposts and the media contents to Blogger :)
Now, I'm  putting a lot of hope that blogger will be okay. Ehh no, MUST BE PERFECTLY OKAY :)

It's been the third month I've been writing dribs and drabs about my life, here.
I was kind of shocked to look at the blogger statistic (page view- all the time). 
Dec 2010- March 2011 - 1946 views
Post : Day 13 - 79 views
Page : Her Planet - 44 views
Most referred URL - shahielac.blogspot.com
Visitors from other part of the globe : United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Hungary, Indonesia, Singapore, Czech Republic.

My face expression paused for a  few minutes. I never expect that so many of you actually read or at least visited my blog. Thank you very much, readers! :)
You don't know how much this means to me :')

I lolololololove you! :)

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