19 January 2011

Day 09;

Wish to have hairstyles 

  • Soft and straight

  • Soft and wavy

  • Curly and manageable

Look, it's not that I dislike my hair. In fact, I hate-d my hair once upon a time. I DID.
Cos' fact number
ONE : I don't own a pretty-looking straight hair.
TWO: My hair was awfully dry.
THREE : Rambut aku is not manageable, messy, kembang-ish (Tal will understand me ;[ ) and heck yeah curly (to the extreme) 
FOUR : A barber, I name her Aunty F, transformed my hair to a total monster. Your skills SUCKKK!

Now ;
I don't really hate my hair anymore ;) Good news? Yehyeh.
Cos' refer back to fact number
ONE : Nevermind about pretty-looking straight hair. I LOVE my original curly hair, hikhik.
TWO : The dry-ness sort of deteriorate now ;) (The shampoo and conditioner that mum bought saved my life.)
THREE : Rambut aku is better-manageable, not thaat messy, still KEMBANG-ish :S but wavy and a little bit of curly :)
FOUR : The good-looking barber made me love my hair. I thought there's no more cure to save my hair anymore, yet I was wrong. No offence, Aunty F, he cuts and style my hair better than you!

So.of.courseeeee, everyone has demands and wish for a better hairstyles that suit themselves. I have mine too *point the pictures above. point the pictures above* ;]
I just want to have a manageable, nice hair. That's all :)

Hekhek. Still, I LOVE MY HAIR (:

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