13 June 2011

Yada, yada, yada ;

Reality is cruel. I can't shake the fact that today is Saturday, not Sunday Monday. I just simply can't. Reality is reality. Whether you're a daydreamer or not, you have to accept the fact that today is Monday, which resembles the end of school holiday and also the start of study-inggg day. Oh my god.

Let's see..
I've been playing harder than a fool
I rather play than to touch my book and revise.
I've been going out so often that I find that as an excuse to not sit down quietly at home studying.
I stared at the computer screen for numerous hours that I find it ultra stupid which I actually can flip up some book and do extra calculus exercise as an additional self revision. 
This is life, isn't it? How possibly can a teenager sit still at home holding a book 24 hours right? That would be more insane than a nerd right?

I shouldn't have ranted so much as time were given. Too much time to spare but I appreciate zero second. No. Correction : I did use some time to study Dimension and some of Uncertainties (Phy), Chapter 1 only (Chem) and nothing for Bio. (Ohh I shouldn't have mentioned this =_= )

At times.. I feel so..

when my friends asked me questions that I SHOULD know as general knowledge but in the real world, I don't know because I really don't know or just forgetting the fact that I known. If you were me, you will feel totally suckass right?

Even now, I was assigned by my inner self to revise bio notes.
Look what am I doing now?
Totally fail. fail. fail.


I tend to laze, to procrastinate longer when I plug in the broadband. The addiction is taking control over me, that I suffocate, and eventually got hypnotized into the cyber world, slowly consuming the time bits by bits.

As a slow person, I can't think fast. This is bad. Pretty bad.
Maybe I lost count in reminding myself : Time waits for no one.
I, am already a young adult, should have managed time-money-life well. Independent life is all about doing things ourselves, with a little guidance from the elders.
Guess I have not reach that level yet.
I need to learn, in fact. Be humble to ask, to learn from others' experiences and mistakes.
No one will help me to move unless myself.
Sleeping late has been my habit. A bad, bad habit. A bad habit that I should ban by tomorrow. (except now).. 
According to extensive research, sleeping at 2am is upsetting your organ especially your liver. Your little liver in you usually rest from 11pm to 1am.

I feel.. .. holy-extremely bad towards my liver - sometimes.
But this habit of mine shall be discontinued. No matter how hard it is, I'm gonna change it for my own good. 
That was sleep. Now back to studying..

There's a laptop beside me every single day (on my study desk, for your info). I can't resist of plugin the broadband again, making me WOHOO! - delay my works again.
I should be punched.bitchslapped.kicked.boxed. anyway.
I need to change as well. I need to get back to the form 3 version of me, who can control myself so well. I want that me back, please? *beg self

This afternoon, I pick up my hobby to read the unread novels. I found my lost passion, drooling page by page like I used to be. I in fact learnt a lot in hours by just reading compared to hours of online entertainment.
Books are just so powerful! :)
Somehow, words without action is useless. So tired of motivating myself, I need to prove it, or I shall just STFU.

College starts tomorrow :) Positive note : I'll meet back my college-lovely-mates.
Negative note : Assignments are going to pile up soon. <Mental> note : Lecturer might question us anytime. (absolutelyhorroricandieface)

Determination #1 : Not going to online until the coming Friday.
Determination #2 : I must online half-an-hour for EMERGENCY only. Otherwise, stay away from the laptop, I INSIST.
Determination #4 : Must study Bio and Chem.
Determination #5 : Must learn how to control things in life.

It's either you'll end up perfectly normal, or insanely stressed. That's for you to choose, PK.

Before I shut down, I always get this sarcasm as a reminder :

Till then.

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