It's Sunday, baby! The breezy, cooling day is making everyone sleeeeeeeepy. Yes? :)
I had a 11-hour-of-good-sleep last night, dreamt of my birthday (like wth :S )
Without my realisation, Pa wake me up by you know, his usual yelling.
Totally freaked out and climbed out from my dream, the colour of the sky told me that it's 8am.
I smiled.
Hehe. While holding the alarm clock of mine, which didn't even ring me up (not even once) since last week (pissed), the short needle showed one, and the long one pointed to twelve.
On the spot, I'm like "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!"
Checked the time on my phone, and I'm
Such brilliant of me.
Well, well, blame the rain :P I can't possibly resist myself from sleeping in a long hours under this wonderful weather. Seriously, damn niceeee!
Hello fellow Kepala Pusing-Pusing members! :D
Imma going to continue telling you about my KPP story. Yeh > Kepala Pusing-Pusing
Yesterday morning, my driving tutor's daughter fetched me to a Bangi-area for the road-law-test. Sounds funny?
It's Ujian Berkomputer Undang-undang Jalan Raya in Malay.
Everyone was kind of nervous, holding the greenish-yellow book while memorising the road sign and it's functions, and so on. EXCLUDING (ME) and a guy, who were standing outside of the place [since it had not opened yet) , chilling, looking at them, and standing steadily.
Driving tutor's daughter was very friendly, can speak multilanguages (Oh, yes. I love her :P), very outspoken and never stop talking! Ahhhh, that's how I'd like my tutor to be :)
In that way, I will feel less stress or less uncomfortable.
I told myself to chillax (chill and relax), not going to revise a single thing anymore, as the days earlier, I've been revising everyday at least an hour and a half, and been sitting for a heck > CD ROM test every 24 hours :P
So I'm pretty confident that I CAN DO IT.
I was the second person to walk into the computer room, guess what? My number was 1002 *hint Shahiela, hint* Geees, I told the number (silently) to send me all the lucky charms .
I guess it did!
In the air-conditioned room, the people who entered a few seconds after me were typing so-damn-fast, which made me wonder if those people had to rush to somewhere. Chil okay? Don't make the room filled with tense.
Those questions were originally from the book, quite easy compared to the CD ROM. Got a little tensed up when someone actually rised up from the seat and left the room. Fortunately, I managed to score BIG,fatty fifty forty seven :) 3 more to target, but hella yay! I PASSED, so I don't care :PPP
The efforts totally worth it you know, those daily revisions with my very chilling mood, and heck yeah this is how I'm gonna study in my upcoming study life! :)
To be honest, I had failed the CD ROM test for *counts* FOUR (28/50, 35/50, 39/50, 41/50) times and passed TWO (43/50, 46/50) times.
All in all hardwork, I gotta know rules and driving better. I want to thank ShahielaChao for trying hard to explain to the blur-dungu-me about the three-road (lorong kiri thing), the stupid motor rules and a lot more. I understand that (lorong kiri thing) especially and that helps- A LOT! :)
All in all hardwork, I gotta know rules and driving better. I want to thank ShahielaChao for trying hard to explain to the blur-dungu-me about the three-road (lorong kiri thing), the stupid motor rules and a lot more. I understand that (lorong kiri thing) especially and that helps- A LOT! :)
Other than that, thanks for the info about mata demerit, and all the things that you gave through the phone :) With all these, the CD Rom test is like a nothing to me. Not to mention the real test, those questions are easylah! HAHA. Wooho, Nur Shahiela Chao! :)
Without my expectation, I was brought to listen to the 6-hour-course (3 hours theory and 3 hours amali) after that. I was like =__= No, you're not kidding me, No ?
I was hoping to SLEEEEEEEP cos' I had imsonia the night before. Yeh, which means I slept at 2. Pfffffts :/
And there goes, listened to the intoduction of the car and the bla bla and bla.
If you think I was yawning , WRONG. You think I was sleeping? WRONG. You think it was boring? WRONG.
Maybe the one who gave the talk inserted some funny videos in his slideshow. That didn't like make me feel so tired.
Here are the examples :
We must be polite and patient on the road :)
And don't park your car elsewhere, like this ;
Break. (a few minutes break)
Was texting ShaC to kill boredom. Ate only a piece of cake cos' the food at the canteen is either spicy or fried.(Throat rejected all of them. Now you knw why I had a mini lunch yesterday when I mentioned at twitter)
Then another 3 hours of talk began by two men. Known himself as the ex-national soldier, he's kinda perverted in some way. His explanation was funny but insulting at times.
Ohh, I hope that lady didn't get offended or something.
TOO BAD, when the man explained about the engines and the functions, and I could remember was nothing. Nothing went into my mind. *shakes head*
Pity? I've no love for you, engines. That's why.
Another chinese man (who kept smoking) talked about the car battery, air filters and stuffs.
The rain was pouring, HEAVILY.
The girls behind me were complainig about that they can't hear anything. So did I.
I can see his mouth moving, but grumble nothing. Peace to the rain.
At the end he asked,
"Kamu tentu tidak berminat untuk tahu ini semua kan. Kamu semua nak lisen L saja kan"
I wanted to reply him,
"Uncle, you sudah salah. I nak belajar."
But, neverminddd :P
Honestly, I want to learn all that, want to know why this, that and which stupid engine caused the car to broke down, etc. But the rain spoiled it all. :/
Guess, I'll do online-researh and learn by myself then.
Oh yeah, they didn't teach us how to change tyres!
Ish, freaking geram.
I wish to see how and want to try, hopefully? lol.
So that in my future, I won't stop at a side, crying for man's help to change the tyre for me. Tsssssssssssk. I dislike that.
I'd like to change by myself, feeling brilliant, without depending on man. Hikhik :P
Around 3.30pm, I had to wait for my name being called, my heart screamed :
I CAN GO BACK. Oh yesh! Uh-huh, oh yeah *dance*
But the female clerks were being so slow, chatting and at that moment, I felt like strangle all of them.
After went out of the room, I immediately SMILE. Like those very awesome, proud smile, and skipped with joy.
PS : I saw a kinda good-looking guy, holding a cigarette. Image spoiled. That's why, don't judge a book by its cover.
After went out of the room, I immediately SMILE. Like those very awesome, proud smile, and skipped with joy.
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