07 June 2010


[Germany greetings]

  • Visit grandma and Aunty Hazel  DONE!
  • Photoshoot. Ehchehhh. Sounded so pro. :P
  • BLOGGGG! :D I got manymanymany uncountable blogpost.
  • Read novels :D I got THREE to read. So far read one :D
  • Homeworks. :S This one should NOT be neglected. Otherwise, i'll screw myself at the very last minute :S
  • Doing/making certificates.HANDMADE CERTIFICATES. Yes! You hear me right. Handmade. 
  • Going to book fest. Oh yeah!
  • Going to sleepover at Shahiela's house :P
  • Practice Add Maths. Practice is a gurantee towards success.
  • Study Sejarah and Physics. 
  • CLEAN MUH ROOOOOOM. Oooops. I didn't tell you that my room looks like an exactly a rubbish bin, don't i?
Seeeeee? My holidays are going to pack with stuffs-activities-events :P I'm lovin it though :D

To you who need to book me to somewhere, please kindly leave a message and reserve me three days earlier Thank you.

Pffffts. :P

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