29 July 2013

M.I.A - no more?

Missing.In.Action. - no more?

Hello readers. I've been away (from dear blogger) for 70 days. Has anybody noticed my absence? To flatter me, please say yes. :P
Remember the post/s of saying being indecisive, useless, depressing whatever shitty negative feelings I had? It's all settled now. Holy yes. I finally said the word "settled". Phew!
I have a place to go on this coming September, a new goal is waiting for me patiently. Hip hip hooray! I actually wish the university intake is going to be slightly earlier, perhaps end of August or early of September? Like seriously, why waste so much of our time by starting the intake so LATE? -.-

Anyhoo, this is probably my last yet LONGEST holiday everrr. Imma treasure it to the maximum before the hectic life is going to start all over again. :} (Treasure by Bruno M is now playing)
Speaking of what happened after 20th of May, don't mention. I had one hell of the shittiest month ever. THANKFULLY, it's over now. I'm very glad that everything is fine and done with the not so positive mind of mine but well strong enough to beat all those shitty days. Once again, I'm happy. :)

Earlier of the month, I was rather busy with dealing with my applications as well as rejections. It happened rapidly, to the point all minor problems are settled before somebody flies to Tibet! TEEHEE. July is supposed to be one of my busiest month of the year BUT all my outings are postponed to AUGUST, leaving August is gonna be my busy-with-outings-month for me.. T_T
Meh meh, my July basically has a lot of empty slots for me to LAZE. HAHAHAHAHA, not really just unproductive maybe? To be frank, I have loadssss of things/list to be accomplished but somehow, sometimes, I am just feeling a little bit not hardworking enough to start what I'm planning to do. Sounds like a lazy bum, no?

No, I did not actually procrastinate for the whole 24 hours. Maybe just a couple of hours after tired of facing books/computer/electronic device? Oh yes, speaking of books, I'm reading the 9th book (of the year) now, very SLOW I know, heh butdidyouknowIamabookclosertomy2013target? :P Hehehe, perhaps after my 10th book, I might increase the amount of book I'm gonna read this year. More is better than less, right?

To kill boredom, I've personally started to study back what I learned in A-level. Slowly, one step at a time, as I am not in a mad rush to finish the syllabus all over again. I guess it's a good start to WHAT I'm going to study this coming October. Gees, as some of you have already known, good for you. I don't need to repeat again... whereas those who don't know.. it's alright. :P So much of a secret huh? I think it's better to work hard for the first few years first, before I officially announce myself as a successful ehem-ehem-skilled-profession. :D If you're really curious, you can always PM me!


Lately, I've been sleeping at a very unhealthy hour, which is not good for the working organs in my body. Poor, poor organs. Well, it's the internet that tempt us - the youngsters, what else? Okay, I'm, no longer young, I'm effing twentyyyyy :B That's not my point. Recently, at  the wee hours, I've been reading a blog by a famous blogger? model? Idk which to define it so yeah whatever. I'm amazed by how she changed herself in terms of look as well as maturity (in thinking) in a short period of time. Starting of as a typical-lala-girl, she's now a HOT stuff. Whattaya mean by hot stuff? She appears in the Nuffnang birthday party- as part of the GUESTS, part time model, a multimedia designer (soon, I suppose), youtube videos, blog? (obviously) and many more places I have not yet discovered. Famous like hell! Nyeh, she's HOT. No doubt on that :)
THAT made me ponder for a while.. I came out as a pure-NERD, what will I become then? Maybe hot stuff too?
Hahahahahhahahahahaha facepalmmmm.
BY THE WAY, that was meant to be a joke. I am who I am now because of what I had and no matter how a person look now, it's not determined by how they looked in the past, but the constant effort that makes them look how they look like now. Therefore, don't judge. :)

Actually, I didn't plan to blog this much.. I mean, I really didn't know where to start telling y'all about my updates at first but look how many words I've typed out now?
Hee, it feels great to be back.

Make some noise for me? :D

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