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I don't know what to feel or what should I feel now. I'm going to get my results for AS examination later at 1pm - ONLINE. Yes, you hear that right. ONLINE. According to a senior of mine, certain lecturer might announce it at ze lecture hall, I was like "WHAT?!" after I received the text message saying : Yes, they do announce. /crappy smiles/ People are nervous, people are tensed up, people are freaking out by look, sound or via facebook statuses. I, on the other hand felt absolute calm and serene, though heart did pump a little bit faster than usual, I would say, I am perfectly chilled as though tomorrow is another busy Monday to start my week with.
So many meetups and outings have been happening lately. I am very glad that I finally get to meet dear best friend of mine, ShahielaC last Friday before she officially leaves to Kelantan to pursue her studies in a course that will bring a bright future for her this coming September. :) Deep down, I am happy and is very proud of her. :')
"Do your best at Kelantan, honey. Do not forget to electrocute some Kelantanese- hot looking guys alright! :P "
Friends are leaving.. to their respective universities, to overseas, to their favourite countries..happily hopping to achieve their dreams. In the past few years, I still remember how active we were, complaining about nonsense homeworks, participating countless curricular activities, breaking the rules especially during the senior year and wearing ze school uniforms. :3 Boy, how I miss the blue pinafore that I used to wear.
But a fact that all of us cannot deny is : We are all growing up.
At times, it's kinda annoying knowing the fact that one still hasn't sure of their future pathway, their future plans and is still clueless on what one is going to do, to earn for a living, and so so on. Life sucks when you have to keep on considering and finally making the right decision out of so many possibilities and a sea of crazy choices. Why am I not born genius anyway? Otherwise, I'd not have to worry all these and keep on doing the self-analysis as well as taking the career quiz according to personalities? Gah. I'm bored with all those already. Just.. when is the time I'm going to know and be certain? :(
Yet, the old dream of mine is still there, undisturbed by any influences, which I really hope to realise or to achieve one fine day. It's a life test, whether or not judgements and various opinions could defeat the one and only strong determination that lies within one self. We shall wait and see then.
So many things happened at such a short time and I don't know where to start with. I still owe people a lot of un-uploaded photos anyway. hehe. My apology! :P
Things are getting so un-sorted and messy, it somehow really makes me sad. How I wish I am disciplined enough to force myself, to set priorities, and to avoid unnecessary distractions with a strong N-O. Occasionally, I would laze around due to over-tension-mood by doing things that make me happy. But that does not mean that I neglect my studies completely right? Studying is fun, actually. I never hate it ever since I started to realise the importance of studying for self-knowledge, for future use, not merely just to pass an exam. Although getting extremely good results is such a tough task unless you spend 3 hours of sleep only daily (I would call that out of normality -insane) and never stop working consistently hard and study smart, I am grateful that I get to learn. :) Hence, I am going to keep my fingers cross, hoping for the best and of course expecting the worse to happen. G'luck for the rest of the A-level students all around the world!
On a very joyful note, I've adopted a family member, for I shall call her my sister, to join Nikon and Sony -the camera family. She has a beautiful name, if you're interested to know, please remember "Yashica". :)
2 weeks ago, we were anticipated to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics and guess what? The closing ceremony is going to happen live from London in another hour! Last week, we were enthusiastically cheering at a Mamak stall for Dato' Lee, who's rooting for a gold for Malaysia which unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side, he got a silver medal instead. BUT NO MATTER WHAT, you are still our inspiration and one of the national heroes that WE- the Malaysians respect. Congratulation again, Dato' Lee Chong Wei. Thank you for everything!
Our national diver, Pandelela won a bronze for Women 10m platform category for diving, which made the whole nation equally proud as well! :D
Me/ Ma
Look! How talented is she to get a bronze for our country!
She's the same age as me, teehee.
Look at her, at your age she makes the country proud, what have YOU done? (going to start some stories)
(trying to stop her) Okay, Ma. Okay, Ma. Chill. :3
I can feel that time is really running very fast. Fasting month is about to over and Raya/holidays are coming. And trials for A2 is drawing near too. Crappy moi, what's the point of telling all these just to scare self or YOU- the reader?
Whatever it is going to be, have plans, do it, enjoy the process and have lots of faith.
Til then.
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