1st : Labour Day. Had sorethroat. Definitely not a good sign to begin my May with. :(
2nd : About to fall sick but na-ah. I AM STRONG enough to kill the sickness. :) Was rather depressed over the Maths practice in which I am worried about. :/
3rd : Moral Education totally turned me on. (being sarcastic)
4th : Papa turned 60! :D
5th : Attended a meaningful photography seminar with a close friend. :)
6th : Studied crazy hard. #1
7th : Had GP. I miswrote my candidate name as.. .. (forget bout it)
8th : Pure Maths was comforting. Thanks to my regular practice but was feeling so down after discovered the mistakes that I had done by checking with Mr. Lee's posted answers online. FTS.
9th : Chemistry P1. Don't mention. I wanna cry straight away.
10th : Same subject, paper three. I was cautious but wasn't careful enough to reread the questions. Say goodbye to the marks! :(
11th : Classes were on, as usual. Break. KARAOKE FTW with awesome people. :)

13th : I've reached to the stress breaking point until I tweet something like this : Stress? Grab a small snack and munch. :3
14th : Nothing interesting happened.
15th : Physic P3. I left a kissmark on it. :)
16th : Attended 2 hours of lecture ONLY. Feeling #likeaboss. Met up with ze choir crews. Another bunch of awwwwwwesome people. :D AND I finally found the best sun-set-spot at my college! Heehee. :)

17th : First time sleeping at the top most floor of the library for at least two hours. Speaking of being epic, I can be one. :p Been to the special spot for a mini shooting again. :')
18th : Enjoyed the best sunset of the week! (in the train.) :)
19th : Uploaded the third photo for "Beyond The Limits" :]
20th : Studied crazy hard. #2
21st : Kimia Kertas Dua. Secara jujurnya, saya tidak yakin dengan jawapan-jawapan yang telah diberikan. #sedih
22nd : Studied crazy hard. #3

23rd : Maths practice. :3
24th : Applied Maths. One word : Frustration. *tight-slap self
On a positive note, upon helping Pei Yie, a model-shooting was done with Ah Ho at two different places. It was definitely a new and good experience to a beginner like me. :)
25th : Feeling so foolish for not entering dreamland for 27 hours.
26th : Kacagelas mata hitam. :P
27th : Went over to Pei Yie's house for the video editing. :)
28th : Studied crazy hard. #4
29th : Bio P2. :)
30th : Fizik P2. I don't know ; I am never good in this.
31st : Temporary freedom now begins. *screammmmmmmmmmmmmms
26th : Kaca
27th : Went over to Pei Yie's house for the video editing. :)
28th : Studied crazy hard. #4
29th : Bio P2. :)
30th : Fizik P2. I don't know ; I am never good in this.
31st : Temporary freedom now begins. *screammmmmmmmmmmmmms
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