10 March 2012

Progressing but slowly ;

Picture from ;
So my study progress can be defined as not very good, nor very bad.
I'm accelerating, though slowly unlike anybody else.
I've been one of the most obedient child by not hanging around the cyberweb for a few days, which is something I should be proud of to a Internet-addict person like me. Heh.

Time is forever a good athlete, I, unfortunately is not.
But I can be a good competitor, by beating you, time with my non-giving-up-spirit.
Procrastination and laziness never leave me alone ever since I've came up with a new determination, last week?

They, I would refer as, at no time keep on the good job in attracting and tempting my soft-hearted soul. Say yes, SAY YES! I almost did.
However I came up with a no instead. :]

It's a good start, isn't it?

I want to continue being like this. Work constantly hard (like no one's business) for my future and most importantly, for my dear self. Though great intelligence does not belong to me, but I'd wish to prove that there's always this undescribable struggles or efforts behind every accomplishments in life.

Read more. Do more. Learn more. Give more.

Don't get affected by words. Work extremely hard but smart.
Compete with yourself, rather than comparing your results with the rest. Learn from people's mistakes, and seek for the experts if any question is raised.

Again and again,

(although it's stupid/embarassing.)

At the end, you get to learn something, isn't it?

Self-control is important. Beat stress, beat stress! :D


Do not conclude the winner yet, who knows I might reach the ending point FIRST before any of you did. *smiles

Imma put myself to a stop here before the habit-of-talking-to-self is getting worse.

Hence, goodbye.

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