01 April 2011


No fun.
Why? I got to prank no one.
Why? I used to say "HEYYY. Look at that!" with an extreme dramatic expression to my friends at school. Now? No more.

Nevermind that and anyHOO, Happy April Fool's Day! :D Heehee. Make sure you use this day WISELY to prank people in a very NICE, polite way :P
Don't go around, offending people with your stupid jokes. Jokes aren't jokes anymore if things get serious.
Play smart but not hard!
Last but not least, enjoy being a fool! Hehehhehehheheheheheheh. Ciao.


  1. I didn't get pranked... or prank... did you?

  2. Bad news : I got to prank a junior of mine. Yay! HAHA

    Good news : I didn't get pranked as well. HAHA :D


Comments? Questions? Thoughts? They are always welcomed here :)
