09 June 2010

Duka ;

I'm feeling sad today.

Or i shall just replace the word sad with insane.
I wake up prettly late today. Thanks to the un-sweet dreams of a couple who had just had their sweet time on bed.
Brunch isn't my habit anyway. In fact, i dislike to have my first meal at around 11 - 12 pm. My evening tea will obviously be my lunch again and my dinner will definitely be my supper.
I felt guilty for not doing any exercise after five days of holidays. My heart started to ache unusually weird today.  I promise that i'll do it this coming Friday!
Brother said that he'll bring me for the blood-test-medical-check-up soon. By this holiday most probably. I started to wonder, think. i've been practicing enough unhealthy lifestyle. Wow, when am i going to die. I can't wait to know.

Read novels, ONLINE, watch television and scribble some answers in my school homeworks. That's what i did almost everyday.
I searched on future careers. I'm very puzzle. I couldn't differentiate between interest and ambition.
You see, I like the environment, i like life science, i like photography, i like making handmade stuffs, like cards, i like east and west. [Ignore the last one] But some of the things like photography and handmades, i would love to do it only during my free time. Or maybe not.
I don't know :[
Aunty H said, it's important to know what is your future career by now. So that we know that where we are heading to. 
I can actually feel the peer pressure. Idk idk idk. I have listed them out. But i just couldn't decide.


In the evening, i munched some unhealthy junk food. SUPER RING. Two packets of it. 
TWO KG on weight tomorrow! But i know i won't put on weight. 47 kg doesn't seem to increase since years ago.
Planned to finish up self-Chemistry notes. I fell asleep instead. A very nice of me to escape homework! Ha.
Wake up and threw some tantrum. Idk why but i did. 
Oh man, i felt super sorry  to those who got the nags and scoldings from me :X
Sincerely, thousand of apologies from me! :(
I banged myself on the wall.
Dinner plus a small chocolate cake and a few Australia cookies. I SWEAR I WILL GET FAT!
I will not. I know that pretty well.
I am insane today.

Onlining, felt kinda depressed. Everyone seems to be very busy with their respective stuffs. Saw many joyful, happy tweets on twitter. A few particular conversations made my sad feelings to depressed.
Gone through many pictures in facebook. Envied rich people, who owns almost everything.
Viewed some awesome blogs with powerful boombastic English. Felt like i'm a sore loser. 
Windowslivespace has been upseting me as well. A small transformation but there's nothing improve. There's no more statistics. And the chat box is disappearing i suppose. LOADING failed. Hmmph :/

Yesterday, i had my best day, spending time with friends :) I made my friend happy. 
But today, i had my depressing day for no reason.
Pathetic much? 
It always happen. It's either today happy, tomorrow sad. Or Today sad, tomorrow happy.
Well, God treat me pretty fair.
Thank you :)
I don't complain. I just feel like this is life. Fair and square.

I'm happy now 


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