29 August 2009

random SIXTEEN

Directions : Once you've been
tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the
end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their and names
why you choose them. Don't forget to leave
a comment ("You're tagged!") and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who
tagged you.

1. i'm an imperfect person, yes. ABSOLUTELY
2. i enjoy life. [eventhough it is tough and
3. i love wasting time by doing useless stuff.
4. i am an
anti-smokers. [BACK OFF, smokers!']
5. i HATE love reading
[comedy and romance will do ;) ]
6. i
still play BARBIE/DISNEY/CARTOONNETWORK games even i’m 16 [childish? i
7. i like making different handmade cards [ntg special, just
something called, PASSION].
8. i can eat ALOT. yes, what do i mean ALOT is
9. i always dream outrageous
things. [i can dream a guy that idk, pffftttt ;/ ]
10. i
 think i am a SENSITIVE person. [easily get touched]
11. i
wish i can go for 1. bungee jumping 2. skydiving 3. diving [but idk how to swim
lol] 4. roller-coastering [yeahhh!]
12. i hate lalarians, mannersless-rude
peoples and those who think they are sooO great.
13. i onced slept 12 hours
before. i hope i can sleep more [well, that doesn’t
counted as crazy,right?]
14. i’m quite afraid of dark. so is that called
“scotophobia” ? hmmm *wonders*
15. i got attracted by something easily. ex :
hot, HOT guys ;D
16. I daydream like nobody’s business. i’m a good
linker. ;) from a thing , to another unexpected one."

Dearies, YOU'RE TAGGED ! ;D ;D
           * alia [because i want to see her answer ]
           *celest [because she always tagged me ;P ]
           *ee tong [because this is her first tag , i suppose ? ]
           *grace [because i want her to do]
           *shahiela [because i think this is nice]

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