hello there. ;)
WEDNESDAY! yes, wednesday of the holiday weeeek! woots.
today did ntg much.
just online, online and online. ;D ;D
so today my post is going to be about 3
experiments that i did last THREEmonths weeks.
supposingly, i should post it last 2 weeks. BUT, imma lazy. heh
the experiments were all related to “pressure”.
Firstly, there’s
this activity 3.6B in F4 physic text book pg 101, which i find that it is easy
to carry out. SO, Let’s see.
Small beaker of water [ i used a small
tank] , two drinking straws [simple?]
1. Set up your equipment as shown in the
2. Blow a stream of air steadily through the horizontal straw across
the top of the vertical straw.


actually there was really water droplets sprayed at high speed. but i afraid that u couldn't see. so yeah i doodle it.
[chehh, to make it sound professional ;) ]
*The water was sprayed out with
high speed ;D ;D
*When you blew a stream of air through the horizontal straw,
it created a lower pressure.The higher atmospheric pressure pushed the water [in
the small tank] up into the straw. The water in the vertical straw rised up to
the TOP and was sprayed into droplets ;)
FEELINGS : it’s really nice and fun ! at first
this activity failed. but i tried and tried, at last i made it! wohoo.
Up next,
The Siphon
[have u heard of it ?]
LIKE THIS LA [look at the picture]

So,basically, this experiment i found at my
reference book on “application of atmospheric pressure”. i thought of trying it.
and here are the results!

this activity is too simple to do. and
i never tried before. So why not give myself a try? it makes no harm right? ;D

very easy. i need not to explain. you guys learnt
it in form 2. so yeah, that’s it!
imma feeling soooo happy!
am sooo
looking forward for the next experiment ;D ;D
i think it will be chemistry turn.
*smiles* HAHA. going to test using litmus paper [since i have some =P ]
WEDNESDAY! yes, wednesday of the holiday weeeek! woots.
today did ntg much.
just online, online and online. ;D ;D
so today my post is going to be about 3
experiments that i did last THREE
supposingly, i should post it last 2 weeks. BUT, imma lazy. heh
the experiments were all related to “pressure”.
Firstly, there’s
this activity 3.6B in F4 physic text book pg 101, which i find that it is easy
to carry out. SO, Let’s see.
Small beaker of water [ i used a small
tank] , two drinking straws [simple?]
1. Set up your equipment as shown in the
2. Blow a stream of air steadily through the horizontal straw across
the top of the vertical straw.


actually there was really water droplets sprayed at high speed. but i afraid that u couldn't see. so yeah i doodle it.
[chehh, to make it sound professional ;) ]
*The water was sprayed out with
high speed ;D ;D
*When you blew a stream of air through the horizontal straw,
it created a lower pressure.The higher atmospheric pressure pushed the water [in
the small tank] up into the straw. The water in the vertical straw rised up to
the TOP and was sprayed into droplets ;)
FEELINGS : it’s really nice and fun ! at first
this activity failed. but i tried and tried, at last i made it! wohoo.
Up next,
The Siphon
[have u heard of it ?]
LIKE THIS LA [look at the picture]

So,basically, this experiment i found at my
reference book on “application of atmospheric pressure”. i thought of trying it.
and here are the results!

this activity is too simple to do. and
i never tried before. So why not give myself a try? it makes no harm right? ;D

very easy. i need not to explain. you guys learnt
it in form 2. so yeah, that’s it!
imma feeling soooo happy!
am sooo
looking forward for the next experiment ;D ;D
i think it will be chemistry turn.
*smiles* HAHA. going to test using litmus paper [since i have some =P ]
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