02 August 2015

Temporary ending ;

Note : SBA is actually part of my semester 4's EOS (end of semester) exam and for the subsequent semesters. Whoop, whoop.

Day one of SBA (Scenario Based Assessment) ;
Nervous? Nope, not really.
Excited? Hmm, nope.
How do you feel? Well let's do this and get this done! It's gonna be long hours, man.

So I was the first person to present my first case study for neurology case. It was quite horrible, especially during my Q&A session. Kinda screwed up a little bit but oh well, first timers. But sigh! Textbook based?? I will seek for further explanation after this.

Day two of SBA ;
I was the last one to present (my renal case) today because I presented first on Wednesday, so it is fair to follow the name list the other way round. To my surprise, I was given good feedback for today's presentation. Perhaps just some slight mistakes here and there that could be improved in the near future. :)
Seriously, can't thank my lecturers more for the extensively specific feedback.
Will take note all of them and perform better in my next SBA!

Then, we were off to have our late lunch dinner at Uncle Jang and talked for hours!

Felt like we have never met each other for a long time especially when we talked about what we had actually done in the previous semesters. #cryandlaughemoji
Honestly speaking, this is the first time I ever finished a spicy meal, with my friends. A complete spicy meal. Lol. Thanks guys for pushing muh limits and for the continuous supply of water XD
Hahaha and I'm not kidding you when I say that my throat almost went to the inflammation stage that night. 

But all is well. Thankfully! :)

OHHHHH, I have to tell you guys that I have a new obsession...... :P. Thanks to Ryan Seacrest's post that introduced a new song by Shawn Mendes called Stitches and I am fangirling over him (these few days) by watching all of his music videos and listening to all of his songs.
He's GOOD. Okay, enough said.

Now listen to this!

It's really really good. :D

Here's a shoutout to Shawn Mendes (if you ever, ever read this) :
Your songs are amazing! I have listened to all of your songs and I have to say I love all of 'em!! :) Keep it up with your down to earth and humble personality, you'll go very far in music industry!
And don't stop being YOU. That's what make you unique. Definitely looking forward to more of your music, Shawn. Cheeeeeeeeeeers (I wish I can insert a 'party' or 'firework' emoji but oh wells.)


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